This website explores various uses of rock fines, or quarry dust. Information from various sources is presented here. You are requested to verify, and do further tests, before using rock dust.

Rock dust from crushing plants is mostly discarded as waste. So for an end user, the primary cost, is the cost of transportation. To locate the nearest source, we list the locations where rock dust is available.



Agriculture can be a major user of rock dust, if farmers are convinced. Eroded soils can be amended, or re-mineralized with rock dust. Compost can be improved, and farm ponds can be lined to reduce seepage.

Learn about use in agriculture



Useful for making hollow blocks, bricks, construction mortar, stoneware pipes, and tiles.

Learn about use in construction

Other Uses

Other Uses

The filtration layer in bio-sand filters uses quarry dust. Pottery can be made with appropriate mix of rock fines and clay.

Learn about other uses