Table of Contents


Earthworms eat organic matter, along with soil, and leave behind castings. Apart from microbial decomposition of organic matter, the additional activity in the earthworm's gut, creates a richer compost.


Red worms, "red wigglers" (Eisenia fetida) are surface dwelling worms, that is generally used in vermi-composting. Subhash Palekarji [1], proponent of Zero Budget Natural Farming, doesn't recommend these worms. Irrespective of the type of worm used, they seem to benefit from trace minerals in rock dust.

Organic waste, and domestic sewage water were converted into high quality soil for raising seedlings, by the addition of rock dust in a Brazilian study [3]


  1. Mr.Subhash Palekar Organic farming is more dangerous?
  2. How to start and keep your worm bin healthy and productive Worm bin basics
  3. Aline Sueli de Lima Rodriguesa, Carlos Mesakb, Murilo Luiz Gomes Silvab, Geovanna Souza Silvab, Wilson Mozena Leandroc, Guilherme Malafaia Organic waste vermicomposting through the addition of rock dust inoculated with domestic sewage wastewater
  4. Conference Proceedings Chapter Two - Earth Care Stream Rock Dust Puts Out More Than You Think Barrie Oldfield (Australia)